We are nominated in the competition
LLC "RTMT" has submitted an application for participation in the competition of the Program "100 best goods of Russia" in the nomination "Products for industrial and technical purposes" with a steel check valve of the RTKO type. Check valves are designed to ensure the passage of a liquid or gaseous working medium in one direction (according to the arrow on the body) and automatically prevent backflow. The use of a check valve allows you to protect equipment, installations, pumps, pipelines from the effects of the working environment when changing the parameters of the technological process (when they are turned on or off the equipment), as well as in various emergency situations. For all the apparent simplicity of the design, the manufacture of check valves is distinguished by the highest degree of manufacturing technology and the highest skill and qualification of assemblers. Recall that in 2017, the staff of the Separate Kurgan Division received a Patent for this product.